
things prohibited to take when moving to a new state

Things To Know Before Hiring A Cleaning Service

If you didn't grow up having your home professionally cleaned, the idea may initially seem a little foreign to you. However, hiring professional cleaners does have a lot of advantages. You can enjoy more free time to yourself, your home will likely stay cleaner, and you don't have to worry about keeping cleaning supplies in stock. Learning a little more can help you feel more comfortable with hiring cleaners, too. Here are the key things you need to know.

You don't have to have cleaners come every week.

When you first think about professional home cleaning, you might imagine a cleaner coming weekly. This schedule does work well for a lot of people, but it is only one option. Most cleaning companies can send someone just once a month or once every two weeks if you prefer that schedule. You may be more comfortable doing some touch-up cleaning on your own each week and want to hire cleaners to do a once-a-month deep clean. This is a good compromise if you're on a budget.

You can select which rooms the cleaners clean.

Maybe you feel a little uncomfortable having someone else clean your bedroom. Or perhaps you don't dare let someone else into your storage room. This is totally fine! While most cleaning companies do offer a default whole-home service, you can absolutely tell your cleaner not to worry about certain spaces. If you only want them to clean the bathroom, kitchen, and entryway, you can make that request. That being said, home cleaners are professionals, and they won't judge what they see in your private spaces. In time, you may become more comfortable with them cleaning other areas of your home.

Tipping is expected.

It is standard to tip your cleaners, so long as you're happy with the job they do on your home. If your cleaning company accepts payment via an app, you can typically just add your tip through the app. Otherwise, the easiest way to tip is to leave cash on the counter for your cleaner. Make sure you leave a note with the cash so your cleaner knows it is for them. Or, if you're home when the cleaner comes, you can just hand them the tip when you thank them for their work.

Hiring a cleaning service can be really beneficial. It may take some getting used to, but once you are armed with the right information and a positive mindset, you'll adapt.

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things prohibited to take when moving to a new state

When moving long distances, it can be difficult to know just what you will need to take with you. In some states, not all houseplants are allowed to be carried over state lines. In others, you aren't allowed to take certain pets. If you are preparing to move to a different state, it is important that you take the time to learn about the things that are prohibited in that certain state. This blog will help you identify some things that you should give special attention before you load them up on the moving truck and begin your long journey.